KITCHEN 2.82m(9'3'') x 2.31m(7'7'') Entrance is gained via obscured UPVC double glazed door. Side aspect UPVC double glazed window, tiled flooring, a range of beech effect eye and base level units with dark roll-edged work surfaces over, inset sink and drainer unit with mixer tap, tiled splash backs, space for washing machine, cooker and fridge-freezer, radiator, doors to bathroom and hallway. BATHROOM 2.47m(8'1'') x 1.22m(4'0'') Rear aspect obscured UPVC double glazed window, panelled bath with shower attachment, wash hand basin set into work surface, heated towel rail, partly tiled walls, tiled floor, shaver point. CLOAKROOM Side aspect obscured single glazed window, low level flush WC, cupboard housing electricity and gas meters. HALLWAY Radiator, storage cupboard housing 'Worcester' boiler, wall mounted thermostat, doors to accommodation. LOUNGE 3.65m(12'0'') x 3.26m(10'8'') Rear aspect UPVC double glazed window, double radiator, gas fire, television and telephone points.
Details :
- amenities: Washer Dryer,TV,Storage,Refrigerator,Patio/Deck
- bathrooms: 2
- bedrooms: 1
- condition: Resale
- currency: GBP
- price_display: £109,950
- seller_type: Agent/Broker